Advanced Usage

Lacunae, retroversions, and other sources of ambiguity occasionally make a one-to-one mapping of witnesses to readings impossible, and in some cases, one disambiguation may be more likely than another in a quantifiable way. Mechanisms for accommodating such situations exist in both TEI XML and NEXUS, and for likelihood-based phylogenetic methods, “soft decisions” about the states at the leaves and even the root of the tree can provide useful information to the inference process. For these reasons, teiphy ensures that these types of judgments, as well as other rich features from TEI XML, can be respected (and, where, necessary, preserved) in the conversion process.

Collations should preserve as much detail as possible, including information on how certain types of data can be normalized and collapsed for analysis. Since we may want to conduct the same analysis at different levels of granularity, the underlying collation data should be available for us to use in any case, and only the output should reflect changes in the desired level of detail. Likewise, as noted in the previous section, uncertainty about witnesses’ attestations should be encoded in the collation and preserved in the conversion of the collation.

Analysis at Varying Levels of Detail Using Reading Types

For text-critical purposes, differences in granularity typically concern which types of variant readings we consider important for analysis. At the lowest level, readings with uncertain or reconstructed portions are almost always considered identical with their reconstructions for the purpose of analysis. Defective forms that are obvious misspellings of a more substantive reading are often treated the same way. Even orthographic subvariants that reflect equally “correct” regional spelling practices may be considered too common and of too trivial a nature to be of value for analysis. Other readings that do not fall under these rubrics but are nevertheless considered manifestly secondary (due to late and/or isolated attestion, for instance), may also be considered uninformative “noise” that is better left filtered out.

In TEI XML, variant reading types are naturally encoded using @type attribute of the rdg or rdgGrp element. To support treating different types of readings as substantive for the purposes of analysis, a hierarchical ordering of reading types (e.g., subreading > orthographic > defective > reconstructed) is assumed, so you can “roll up” readings with types lower in the hierarchy into their “parent” readings with types higher in the hierarchy. This can be done with a flat list of rdg elements alone, as follows:

<app xml:id="B10K2V5U20-24">
    <rdg n="1" wit="UBS P46 01 03 06C2 18 33 35 88 424 606 915 1175 1505 1611 1739 1881 2495 syrh Jerome TheodoreOfMopsuestia"><w>χαριτι</w><w>εστε</w><w>σεσωσμενοι</w></rdg>
    <rdg n="1-f1" type="defective" cause="aural-confusion" wit=""><w>χαριτι</w><w>εσται</w><w>σεσωσμενοι</w></rdg>
    <rdg n="1-f1-v1" type="reconstructed" wit="02"><w>χαριτι</w><w>εσται</w><w>σ<unclear>ε</unclear><supplied reason="lacuna">σω</supplied>σμενοι</w></rdg>
    <rdg n="2" wit="Ambrosiaster MariusVictorinus Pelagius"><w>ου</w><w>χαριτι</w><w>εστε</w><w>σεσωσμενοι</w></rdg>
    <rdg n="2-f1" type="defective" cause="aural-confusion" wit="010C 012"><w>ου</w><w>χαριτι</w><w>εσται</w><w>σεσωσμενοι</w></rdg>
    <rdg n="2-f2" type="defective" wit="010*"><w>ου</w><w>χαριτι</w><w>εσται</w><w>σεωσμενοι</w></rdg>
    <rdg n="2-s1" type="subreading" cause="clarification" wit="06*"><w>ου</w><w>τη</w><w>χαριτι</w><w>εστε</w><w>σεσωσμενοι</w></rdg>
    <rdg n="3" wit="copsa copbo"><w>χαριτι</w><w>γαρ</w><w>εστε</w><w>σεσωσμενοι</w></rdg>

Alternatively, this can be done in a more precise and hierarchical fashion using rdgGrp elements with the appropriate types:

<app xml:id="B10K2V5U20-24">
    <rdg n="1" wit="UBS P46 01 03 06C2 18 33 35 88 424 606 915 1175 1505 1611 1739 1881 2495 syrh Jerome TheodoreOfMopsuestia"><w>χαριτι</w><w>εστε</w><w>σεσωσμενοι</w></rdg>
    <rdgGrp type="defective">
        <rdg n="1-f1" cause="aural-confusion" wit=""><w>χαριτι</w><w>εσται</w><w>σεσωσμενοι</w></rdg>
        <rdgGrp type="reconstructed">
            <rdg n="1-f1-v1" wit="02"><w>χαριτι</w><w>εσται</w><w>σ<unclear>ε</unclear><supplied reason="lacuna">σω</supplied>σμενοι</w></rdg>
    <rdg n="2" wit="Ambrosiaster MariusVictorinus Pelagius"><w>ου</w><w>χαριτι</w><w>εστε</w><w>σεσωσμενοι</w></rdg>
    <rdgGrp type="defective">
        <rdg n="2-f1" cause="aural-confusion" wit="010C 012"><w>ου</w><w>χαριτι</w><w>εσται</w><w>σεσωσμενοι</w></rdg>
        <rdg n="2-f2" wit="010*"><w>ου</w><w>χαριτι</w><w>εσται</w><w>σεωσμενοι</w></rdg>
    <rdgGrp type="subreading">
        <rdg n="2-s1" cause="clarification" wit="06*"><w>ου</w><w>τη</w><w>χαριτι</w><w>εστε</w><w>σεσωσμενοι</w></rdg>
    <rdg n="3" wit="copsa copbo"><w>χαριτι</w><w>γαρ</w><w>εστε</w><w>σεσωσμενοι</w></rdg>

This utility is designed to accept both types of input. Readings without a @type attribute are assumed to be substantive. In both cases, the rdg or rdgGrp elements should be placed according to where their type falls in the hierarchy; a reconstruction of a defective reading (e.g., reading 1-f1-v1) should be placed directly after the defective reading itself (e.g., 1-f1). Likewise, for the purposes of resolving ambiguous readings, no two readings in the same app element should be assigned the same @xml:id or @n attribute, even if they are under different rdgGrp elements.

If you want to collapse certain types of readings under their “parent” readings, then you can specify this using the -t argument with any conversion command invoked through the command-line interface (CLI). So with the flags

-t reconstructed -t defective -t orthographic -t subreading

the variation unit illustrated above would have only three substantive readings (1, 2, and 3), while with the flags

-t reconstructed -t defective -t orthographic

it would have four substantive readings (1, 2, 2-s1, and 3).

Ambiguities and Judgments of Certainty

When you have one or more witnesses with an ambiguous attestation, you may wish to express which readings the witness(es) in question might have. The TEI Guidelines ( describe a witDetail element suitable for this purpose: like the rdg element, it includes a @wit attribute (for the one or more witnesses it describes) and a @target attribute (which can point to one or more readings these witnesses might have). For example:

<app xml:id="B10K3V9U6">
    <rdg xml:id="B10K3V9U6R1" wit="UBS P46 01C2 03 04 06 010 012 18 33 35 88 424 606 915 1175 1505 1611 1910 2495 vg syrp syrh copsa copbo Chrysostom MariusVictorinus Pelagius TheodoreOfMopsuestia"><w>παντας</w></rdg>
    <rdg xml:id="B10K3V9U6R2" wit="01* 02 424C 1739 1881 Jerome"/>
    <witDetail n="W1/2" type="ambiguous" target="#B10K3V9U6R1 #B10K3V9U6R2" wit="Ambrosiaster"><certainty target="1" locus="value" degree="0.5000"/><certainty target="2" locus="value" degree="0.5000"/></witDetail>

Underneath this element, you can optionally include certainty elements (also depicted in the above example), which can indicate different probabilities associated with their respective targeted readings. If these are not specified, then the readings referenced by the witDetail element’s @target attribute will be assigned equal probabilities. While it is recommended that you specify values between 0 and 1 for the @degree attribute of each certainty element, this is not necessary; the values you specify will be normalized in the conversion.

The example above follows the TEI Guidelines more strictly, in that it uses the @xml:id attribute instead of the @n attribute to assign URIs to individual readings, and it references these URIs in the @target attributes of the witDetail element and the certainty elements it contains. As a general rule, the values of the @wit and @target attributes should technically be space-separated pointers to unique elements (which, within the XML collation document, are @xml:id values prefixed by the # character). But in practice, this tends to produce very verbose reading IDs and references, and it is not particularly convenient for certain conventions regarding witness IDs. (This applies especially to New Testament textual critics, who use primarily numerical Gregory-Aland IDs to refer to manuscripts; unfortunately, XML guidelines prohibit @xml:id values that begin with numbers.) For ease of use, this software relaxes this assumption and interprets pointers that do not start with # as referring to @n values (both for witnesses or for readings within the same app element). So the following more compact format is also supported, even if it is not strictly valid TEI XML:

<app xml:id="B10K3V9U6">
    <rdg n="1" wit="UBS P46 01C2 03 04 06 010 012 18 33 35 88 424 606 915 1175 1505 1611 1910 2495 vg syrp syrh copsa copbo Chrysostom MariusVictorinus Pelagius TheodoreOfMopsuestia"><w>παντας</w></rdg>
    <rdg n="2" wit="01* 02 424C 1739 1881 Jerome"/>
    <witDetail n="W1/2" type="ambiguous" target="1 2" wit="Ambrosiaster"><certainty target="1" locus="value" degree="0.5000"/><certainty target="2" locus="value" degree="0.5000"/></witDetail>

The only condition is that you must use these attributes consistently: if you label a rdg element with an @xml:id attribute, then you must reference that attribute’s value in the witDetail and certainty elements; otherwise, you must use and reference the @n attribute.

For NEXUS output, the character states for each witness are encoded using StatesFormat=StatesPresent by default, meaning that each non-missing character is represented by a single symbol or by a set of symbols between braces (in the case of ambiguous readings). An example of this encoding is the following: P46 1003110?001011000200100001000100001{01}0100. This setting produces more compact outputs and is the expected states format for PAUP* and most other programs. The downside is that it cannot accommodate degrees of certainty in ambiguous readings.

If you want your NEXUS output to contain the character states for each witness using StatesFormat=Frequency, with each character represented by a vector of frequencies for each reading/state, you can do this with the --frequency option to teiphy. For unambiguous readings, the corresponding state vector will have a value of 1 for a single reading/state. For simple ambiguous readings encoded as witDetail elements with the potential readings specified in the @target attribute, the state vector will have a value of 1 for each specified reading/state; and for witDetail elements containing certainty elements with varying @degree attributes, the @degree value for each specified reading will be copied to the state vector. With this setting in the NEXUS output, the sequence for witness P46 would look as follows:

    (0:0.0000 1:1.0000)
    (0:1.0000 1:0.0000 2:0.0000)
    (0:1.0000 1:0.0000)
    (0:0.0000 1:0.0000 2:0.0000 3:1.0000)
    (0:0.0000 1:1.0000)
    (0:0.0000 1:1.0000)
    (0:1.0000 1:0.0000 2:0.0000 3:0.0000)
    (0:1.0000 1:0.0000 2:0.0000 3:0.0000 4:0.0000 5:0.0000)
    (0:0.0148 1:0.9852)
    (0:1.0000 1:0.0000)
    (0:0.0000 1:1.0000)
    (0:1.0000 1:0.0000)
    (0:1.0000 1:0.0000)

For current phylogenetic software that accepts NEXUS input, the StatesFormat=Frequency setting is not supported, so for most output formats, witDetail elements containing certainty elements with varying @degree attributes will simply be mapped to ambiguous states with a 1 for every reading covered by a certainty element. For formats that do not even support ambiguities with specified target states, ambiguous witDetail elements, with or without certainty elements, will be mapped to missing states (i.e., the ? symbol). For NEXUS outputs with the default StatesPresent encoding, you can also include the --ambiguous-as-missing flag if you want to coerce all ambiguous states to be encoded as missing states. Since BEAST 2 supports tip likelihoods, certainty values are preserved in BEAST 2.7 XML outputs by default.

Lacunae and Other Missing Data

In the interest of accounting for all witnesses, a collation might include placeholder rdg or witDetail elements for witnesses that are entirely lacunose, illegible, or otherwise unavailable (e.g., due to missing images or irrelevance due to a different reading in an overlapping passage) at each point of variation. As long as these placeholders are labeled with @type elements, you can specify that they correspond to missing data using the -m argument with any command invoked through the CLI.

Consider the following set of variation units:

<!-- a large transposition is encoded as an overlapping unit below -->
<app xml:id="B10K4V28U18-26">
    <rdg n="1" wit="UBS P46 01 02 03 06 010 012 1175 vg copbo Ambrosiaster Jerome MariusVictorinus Pelagius">
        <ref target="#B10K4V28U18-22">[B10K4V28U18-22]</ref>
        <ref target="#B10K4V28U24-26">[B10K4V28U24-26]</ref>
    <rdg n="2" wit="18 35 88 424* 606 915 1505 1611 1910 2495 syrh Chrysostom TheodoreOfMopsuestia">
        <ref target="#B10K4V28U24-26">[B10K4V28U24-26]</ref>
        <ref target="#B10K4V28U18-22">[B10K4V28U18-22]</ref>
    <rdg xml:id="B10K4V28U18-24R3" n="3" wit="33 424C 1739 1881">
        <ref target="#B10K4V28U18-20">[B10K4V28U18-20]</ref>
    <rdg xml:id="B10K4V28U18-24R4" n="4" wit="copsa">
        <ref target="#B10K4V28U22-24">[B10K4V28U22-24]</ref>
    <witDetail n="Z" type="lac" wit="04 06C1 06C2 syrp syrhmg"/>
<app xml:id="B10K4V28U18-22">
    <rdg n="1" wit="UBS 01* 02 03C2 06C1 06C2 010 012 606 915 1175 1505 2495 copbo Jerome MariusVictorinus TheodoreOfMopsuestia"><w>ταις</w><w>ιδιαις</w><w>χερσιν</w></rdg>
    <rdg n="1-f1" type="defective" cause="aural-confusion" wit="06*"><w>ταις</w><w>ιδιαις</w><w>χιρσιν</w></rdg>
    <rdg n="1-o1" type="orthographic" wit="1611"><w>ταις</w><w>ιδιαις</w><w>χερσι</w></rdg>
    <rdg n="2" wit="P46 01C2 03* 18 35 88 424* 1910 copsa Ambrosiaster Chrysostom Pelagius"><w>ταις</w><w>χερσιν</w></rdg>
    <witDetail n="W1/2-1" type="ambiguous" target="1 2" cause="translation" xml:lang="syr" wit="syrp syrh"><w>ܒܐܝܕܘܗܝ</w></witDetail>
    <witDetail n="W1/2-2" type="ambiguous" target="1 2" wit="vg"><certainty target="1" locus="value" degree="0.3333"/><certainty target="2" locus="value" degree="0.6667"/></witDetail>
    <witDetail n="↑B10K4V28U18-24R3" type="overlap" target="#B10K4V28U18-24R3" wit="33 424C 1739 1881"/>
    <witDetail n="Z" type="lac" wit="04 syrhmg"/>
<!-- this unit should be ignored -->
<app xml:id="B10K4V28U24-26">
    <rdg n="1" wit="UBS P46 01 02 03 06 010 012 18 33 35 88 424 606 915 1175 1505 1611 1739 1881 1910 2495 vg syrp syrh copbo Ambrosiaster Chrysostom Jerome MariusVictorinus Pelagius TheodoreOfMopsuestia"><w>το</w><w>αγαθον</w></rdg>
    <witDetail n="↑B10K4V28U18-24R4" type="overlap" target="#B10K4V28U18-24R4" wit="copsa"/>
    <witDetail n="Z" type="lac" wit="04 06C1 06C2 424C syrhmg"/>

In the first variation unit, readings 3 and 4 omit one of the phrases covered in the next two variation units. (They are assigned @xml:id values so that they can be referenced from these other units.) The witDetail elements in those units with a @type of overlap describe the witnesses that attest to no readings there because of their omission in the overlapping unit. Likewise, the witDetail with a @type of lac indicates which witnesses are lacunose at each unit. Both types of readings can be treated as missing characters (which has the default representation ? in NEXUS output) for the witnesses that attest to them by specifying the following arguments when invoking any conversion command through the CLI:

-m lac -m overlap

Correctors’ Hands

Collation data often distinguishes the first hand responsible for a manuscript from the hands of correctors who introduced changed readings either into the text or into the margin of the same manuscript. Some manuscripts include multiple layers of correction, where each corrector can be assumed to have had knowledge of any previous correctors’ notes. Since the activity of most correctors is sporadic, the average corrector will effectively be a fragmentary witness in the places where he or she is cited in the apparatus. But if you wish to assume that each corrector approved of all the readings from the previous hand that he or she did not change, then you can “fill out” each corrector’s text using the text of the first hand (for the first corrector) or the filled-out text of the previous corrector (for all subsequent correctors). Under this assumption, the placement of the corrector on a phylogenetic tree will be facilitated by the disambiguation of what would otherwise be the corrector’s “missing” characters.

To enable this behavior, you first have to ensure that the desired correctors have their own witness elements in the collation listWit element and that they have a @type value of corrector. An example for the first hand and the first two correctors of Codex Bezae follows:

<witness n="06"/>
<witness type="corrector" n="06C1"/>
<witness type="corrector" n="06C2"/>

Then, when you invoke any conversion command through the CLI, make sure that you include the --fill-correctors argument.

Excluding Fragmentary witnesses

Fragmentary witnesses with too many missing readings can introduce more noise than signal to a phylogenetic analysis, so it is often helpful to exclude such witnesses from the phylogenetic software inputs you generate. You can do this using the --fragmentary-threshold command-line option. With this option, you must specify a number between 0 and 1 that represents the proportion of extant readings that a witness must have in order to be included in the output. For the purposes of determining whether a witness meets or falls below this threshold, that witness is considered non-extant/lacunose at a variation unit if the type of its reading in that unit is in the user-specified list of missing reading types (i.e., the argument(s) of the -m option). This calculation is performed after the reading sequences of correctors have been filled in (if the --fill-correctors flag was specified). A threshold specified with --fragmentary-threshold 0.7, for example, means that a witness with missing readings at more than 30 percent of variation units will be excluded from the output. By comparison, --fragmentary-threshold 1.0 will exclude any witness that has even one missing reading.

Removing First-hand Siglum Suffixes and Merging Multiple Attestations

In some instances, the siglum for a manuscript may have a first-hand suffix added to it when the manuscript was corrected at the unit in question. In New Testament textual criticism, the first hand in the presence of correctors is conventionally suffixed with *, and the first hand in the presence of an alternative reading or the lemma text in a commentary that evidently supports a different reading is suffixed with T. Other times, a manuscript might repeat the same text multiple times with different variations, resulting in multiple attestations within the same witness. In New Testament textual criticism, this commonly occurs with lectionaries and catena commentaries, and the multiple attestations are indicated by the suffixes /1, /2, etc. The inclusion of these suffixes in the @wit attribute of a reading is not strictly in accordance with the TEI Guidelines, but for the sake of convenience, this behavior is supported by this utility.

For the purposes of analysis, you will usually want to strip the first-hand suffixes, leaving just the base sigla for the witnesses themselves. In addition, you may wish to merge multiple attestations of a passage in the same witness, effectively treating multiple attestations as ambiguous readings. Both can be accomplished using the -s argument with any conversion command invoked through the CLI. If you want to strip first-hand suffixes only, then you can do this via

-s"*" -s T

This will ignore multiple attestations (i.e., treat the units where they occur as missing characters for the base witnesses with multiple attestations at those units), unless the sigla with multiple attestation suffixes are included as distinct witness elements in the collation’s listWit element. Note that the * character must be passed as an option in a special way (i.e., as -s"*", with no space after the argument and surrounding quotation marks) because it is a reserved character on the command line and must be escaped properly.

If you want to strip first-hand suffixes and merge all multiple attestations, then you can do so via

-s"*" -s"T" -s"/1" -s"/2" -s"/3"

assuming that there are at most three multiple attestations in any unit.

Ascertainment Bias

To facilitate accurate branch length estimation, teiphy includes all constant sites (i.e., variation units with only one substantive reading after trivial readings have been merged with their parents) in its output by default. (The only exception is output for the STEMMA program, which is parsimony-based and does not estimate branch lengths.) If you want only informative sites to be included in your output, then you can ensure that this happens by including the --drop-constant flag in your command.

Note that if you do exclude constant sites, or if your TEI XML collation only includes locations in the textual tradition where the readings differ, then it will be important to correct for ascertainment bias when performing phylogenetic analysis which utilizes the branch lengths (such as maximum-likelihood or Bayesian techniques). This is because when the data is filtered to only include locations where changes have occurred, the analysis can be biased towards longer branch lengths. There are methods to correct for this, for example, as discussed in Lewis, 2001 [Lew01]. Because this correction is amply supported by existing phylogenetic software packages, teiphy will not perform this correction itself. You should consult the documentation for your phylogenetic software package to determine how it applies ascertainment bias correction. For example, IQ-TREE allows users to correct for ascertainment bias by adding +ASC to the model name. (Just keep in mind that your input must be free of constant sites for this to work!)

Tree Priors, Clock Models, and Tip Dates

For outputs for MrBayes (i.e., NEXUS files generated with the --mrbayes option) and BEAST (i.e., XML files following the conventions of BEAST 2.7), tree priors based on birth-death models and strict clock models are used by default. For MrBayes, the clock:birthdeath prior is used for the tree, and for BEAST, the BDSKY (Birth-Death Skyline model) prior is used. For both formats, the origin of the model is set based on the earliest possible date for the textual tradition, if it is known. In TEI XML, this is specified in a bibl element under the sourceDesc element, as in the following example:

    <title xml:lang="grc">Πρὸς Ἐφεσίους</title>
    <date notBefore="50" notAfter="80"/>

If an earliest possible date is specified, then the origin for the model is assigned a uniform prior between this date and the latest possible date for the tradition (which, if is it not specified explicitly, is set according to the earliest witness, or, absent witness dates, the current date). If no earliest possible date it specified, then the origin for the model is assigned a gamma prior in MrBayes or a log-normal prior in BEAST; in either case, the prior distribution is offset according to the latest possible date for the tradition. The speciation/reproductive number, extinction/become-uninfectious rate, and sampling proportion priors are set to default distibutions by teiphy.

The clock model set in the output file by teiphy can be selected using the --clock command-line option. Presently, the following three models are supported: * strict: a strict clock model, with the same mutation rate applied at all branches. This is the default option. * uncorrelated: an uncorrelated random clock model, with mutation rates assigned randomly to branches according to a particular distribution. For MrBayes, this corresponds to the independent gamma rate (IGR) model with a log-normal prior on the mean clock rate and an exponential prior on the variance. For BEAST, the clock rate’s mean and standard deviation both have log-normal priors. * local: a local random clock model, where branches inherit their parent branch’s clock rate subject to random perturbations. This option is only supported for BEAST outputs.

Finally, for both MrBayes and BEAST, tip dates are calibrated according to the dates specified for witnesses. These dates can be specified either exactly (in which case the tip date has a fixed distribution) or within a range (in which case the tip date has a uniform distribution of the witness’s date span), as in the following examples:

<witness n="18">
    <origDate when="1364"/>
<witness n="33">
    <origDate notBefore="800" notAfter="900"/>

As part of the Bayesian phylogenetic analysis, the distributions of the tip dates for witnesses with date ranges will also be estimated.

Tip dates are also used by teiphy in converting TEI XML to inputs to the STEMMA program, as STEMMA uses date ranges to constrain the relationships between witnesses that it will consider.

Root Frequencies and Substitution Models

Since BEAST’s XML input format supports phylogenetic analogues of intrinsic probabilities (i.e., the probability that a given reading is authorial) and transcriptional probability (i.e., the probability that one reading would give rise to another according to common mechanisms of scribal error or innovation) in the forms of root frequencies at variation units and rate variables used in the substitution models of variation units, teiphy can map TEI XML encodings of these judgments to the appropriate elements in BEAST 2.7 XML.

To encode intrinsic probabilities in a consistent and rigorous way, you can define discrete odds categories with fixed values as analytic tags using code like the following:

<interpGrp type="intrinsic">
    <interp xml:id="RatingA">
        <p>The current reading is absolutely more likely than the linked reading.</p>
        <certainty locus="value" degree="19"/>
    <interp xml:id="RatingB">
        <p>The current reading is strongly
        more likely than the linked reading.</p>
        <certainty locus="value" degree="4"/>
    <interp xml:id="RatingC">
        <p>The current reading is more likely
        than the linked reading.</p>
        <certainty locus="value" degree="1.5"/>
    <interp xml:id="RatingD">
        <p>The current reading is slightly more likely than the linked reading.</p>
        <certainty locus="value" degree="1.1"/>
    <interp xml:id="EqualRating">
        <p>The current reading and the linked reading
        are equally likely.</p>
        <certainty locus="value" degree="1"/>

The specified odds values are defined in the @degree attributes of certainty elements. These categories can be used to define the relative probabilities of variant readings in a given variation unit under a note element in that unit using relation elements as follows:

<listRelation type="intrinsic">
    <relation active="1" passive="2" ana="#RatingA"/>
    <relation active="2" passive="3" ana="#EqualRating"/>
    <relation active="3" passive="4" ana="#EqualRating"/>

In terms of the analytic categories defined above, this list of relation elements indicates that reading 1 is nineteen times more likely to be authorial than reading 2, and readings 2 and 3 are equally likely. This results in root frequencies of 0.9048, 0.0476, and 0.0476. If no such set of relations is specified, then the root frequencies are set according to a uniform distribution by default.

If you wish to incorporate transcriptional probabilities for different classes of scribal changes into your analysis, you may do so by defining analytic tags for rate parameters as follows:

<interpGrp type="transcriptional">
    <interp xml:id="Clar">
        <p>Clarification of the text in terms of grammar,
        style, or theology.</p>
    <interp xml:id="AurConf">
        <p>Aural confusion concerning letters or dipthongs
        that came to have the same sound in later Greek.</p>
    <interp xml:id="LingConf">
        <p>Linguistic confusion concerning rules
        of Greek grammar.</p>
        <p><i>Constructiones ad sensum</i> that reflect
        changes in grammatical rules over time
        also fall under this rubric.</p>
    <interp xml:id="VisErr">
        <p>Visual error, such as paleographic confusion
        of similar letters, haplography, dittography,
        and other skips of the eye resulting in small omissions.
        Rarer situations, like duplication or omission
        of letters related to the presence or absence
        of an ornamental capital at the start of a line,
        also fall under this rubric.</p>
    <interp xml:id="Harm">
        <p>Harmonization, either to a parallel passage
        or to the near context.</p>
    <interp xml:id="Byz">
        <p>The text is brought into conformity
        with the Byzantine text.</p>

If you wish to specify fixed rates for these transcriptional change classes, then you can do so using certainty elements as in the definitions of the intrinsic odds categories above. Any classes without fixed rates will have their rates estimated as part of the phylogenetic model. Transitions between different readings in a given variation unit can then be categorized with one or more of these tags in a note element in that unit (parallel to the listRelation used to encode the intrinsic probabilities of the readings) as follows:

<listRelation type="transcriptional">
    <relation active="1 2 3" passive="4" ana="#Harm"/>
    <relation active="1" passive="2 3 4" ana="#Clar"/>
    <relation active="2" passive="1" ana="#VisErr"/>
    <relation active="2" passive="3" ana="#Clar #Harm"/>
    <relation active="3" passive="4" ana="#Clar"/>
    <relation active="1 2 4" passive="3" ana="#Byz"/>

To allow for more succinct encodings of transitions, multiple possible source and target readings can be specified in the @active and @passive attributes of a relation element, and more than one analytic tag can be specified in the @ana attribute; thus, <relation active="1 2 3" passive="4" ana="#Harm"/> indicates that reading 1, 2, or 3 could give rise to reading 4 by harmonization, <relation active="1" passive="2 3 4" ana="#Clar"/> indicates that reading 1 could give rise to reading 2, 3, or 4 by clarification, and <relation active="2" passive="3" ana="#Clar #Harm"/> indicates that reading 2 could give to reading 3 by clarification or harmonization. When these transitions are tagged in this way, teiphy will map them to the off-diagonal entries of the substitution matrix for this variation unit, summing multiple rates if more than one tag is specified for a transition. All transitions not covered by a relation element (e.g., a transition from reading 3 to reading 1, which is not covered in the example above) will be assigned the “default” rate of 1. Accordingly, if no listRelation for transcriptional change categories is specified at all, then the substitution model for a variation unit with k substantive readings will default to the Lewis Mk model.

In many cases, certain transcriptional explanations are applicable only at certain times. For instance, assimilation to a popular text that arose at a later point in the tradition’s history (modeled with the Byz class in the above example) would only be available as a transcriptional explanation after this point. Skips of the eye may be empirically more common for earlier scribes than for later ones. Certain paleographic confusions may only be possible for earlier scripts or later ones. Specific orthodox corruptions of sacred texts may have only become plausible after certain theological conflicts or developments had taken place to inspire them. If you wish to encode such transcriptional possibilities as time-dependent, you can do so by adding @notBefore and @notAfter attributes to the corresponding relation element:

<listRelation type="transcriptional">
    <relation active="1 2 3" passive="4" ana="#Harm"/>
    <relation active="1" passive="2 3 4" ana="#Clar"/>
    <relation active="2" passive="1" ana="#VisErr"/>
    <relation active="2" passive="3" ana="#Clar #Harm"/>
    <relation active="3" passive="4" ana="#Clar"/>
    <relation active="1 2 4" passive="3" ana="#Byz" notBefore="500"/>

If you tag certain transcriptional relation elements in this way, teiphy will map the listRelation to an EpochSubstitutionModel instance consisting of multiple substitution models that apply at the corresponding points in time.

Logging for Ancestral State Reconstructions

BEAST 2 offers support for the logging of the reconstructed states (i.e., variant readings) for each site (i.e., variation unit) at varying levels of detail. The AncestralStateLogger class (part of the BEASTLabs package) reconstructs the state of a particular clade (which, for our purposes, is chosen to be the root of the tree) in each tree sampled during the analysis, resulting in a relatively compact output. The AncestralSequenceLogger class (part of the BEAST_CLASSIC package) reconstructs the states of all hypothetical ancestors in each tree sampled during the analysis, which results in a more comprehensive, but also much larger output. In writing to BEAST 2.7 XML files, teiphy can include elements for either (or neither) logger based on the --ancestral-logger argument. The default option, state, will include an AncestralStateLogger element in the XML file, while sequence will include an AncestralSequenceLogger element, and none will not include any logging elements for ancestral states.

Overriding or Supplying Dates from a CSV file

You can also specify date ranges for some witnesses in a separate CSV file. For the sake of completeness, it is recommended that you specify date ranges for witnesses in your TEI XML collation, but you may have pulled your collation data and witness date ranges from different sources, or you might want to overwrite existing date ranges in the collation with updated values. You can specify a path to the CSV file containing witness IDs and their date ranges using the --dates-file command-line option. The CSV file should not have any header rows, and every row should be formatted as "id",min,max, where the first column contains a string (encoded as such by being surrounded by double quotes) corresponding to the witness ID and the other two columns are either empty (if one or both ends of the date range are unknown) or integers corresponding to years (where negative integers are assumed to refer to dates BCE).

Supported Output Formats and Options

You can specify a preferred output format for the conversion explicitly with the --format flag. Supported options include nexus, hennig86, phylip (note that the relaxed version of this format used by RAxML, which has better support for multi-state characters, is used rather than the strict version), fasta, xml (specifically, the flavor of XML read by BEAST 2.7), csv, tsv, excel (note that only .xlsx format is supported), and stemma. If you do not supply a --format argument, then teiphy will attempt to infer the correct format from the file extension of the output file name.

By default, teiphy includes constant characters (i.e., variation units where all witnesses attest to the same substantive reading) in its outputs. If you wish to exclude these from your analysis (as is the case if you want to use ascertainment bias correction in your phylogenetic software), then you can do so by specifying the --drop-constant flag.

For nexus outputs, the CharStateLabels block (which provides human-readable labels for variation units and readings) is included in the output file by default, but you can disable it by specifying the --no-labels flag. This is necessary if you intend to pass your NEXUS-formatted data to phylogenetic programs like MrBayes that do not recognize this block. Note that all reading labels will be slugified so that all characters (e.g., Greek characters) are converted to ASCII characters and spaces and other punctuation marks are replaced by underscores; this is to conformance with the recommendations for the NEXUS format.

Note that for the nexus, hennig86, phylip, and fasta output formats, only up to 32 states (represented by the symbols 0-9 and a-v) are supported at this time. This is a requirement for Hennig86 format, and some phylogenetic programs that use these formats (such as IQTREE and RAxML) do not support symbols outside of the basic 36 alphanumeric characters or a 32-character alphabet at this time. The stemma output format currently supports up to 62 states.

Collations can also be converted to tabular formats. Within Python, the collation class’s to_numpy method can be invoked to convert a collation to a NumPy array with rows for variant readings, columns for witnesses, and frequency values in the cells. Where a witness has missing data at a variation, its frequencies for different readings at this unit can be split evenly over 1 using the split_missing argument; otherwise, the witness will have frequencies of 0 for all readings at that unit. The same class’s to_distance_matrix method produces a NumPy array with rows and columns for witnesses, where each cell contains the number of units where the row witness and column witness both have unambiguous readings and these readings disagree. The cells can instead be populated with the proportion of disagreements among units where the row and column witnesses have readings with the proportion argument. If you specify the show_ext argument as True, then each cell will be populated by the number or proportion of disagreements followed by the number of units where both witnesses have have unambiguous readings (e.g., 3/50 or 0.06/50). The same class’s to_similarity_matrix method produces a NumPy array with rows and columns for witnesses, where each cell contains the number of units where the row witness and column witness both have unambiguous readings and these readings agree. The cells can instead be populated with the proportion of agreements among units where the row and column witnesses have readings with the proportion argument. If you specify the show_ext argument as True, then each cell will be populated by the number or proportion of agreements followed by the number of units where both witnesses have have unambiguous readings (e.g., 47/50 or 0.94/50). The same class’s to_nexus_table method produces a NumPy array with rows for witnesses, columns for variation unit IDs, and attested reading IDs in the cells, resembling a NEXUS sequence. By default, cells corresponding to ambiguous readings are written as space-separated sequences of readings between braces, but they can be written as missing states with the ambiguous_as_missing argument. The same class’s to_long_table method produces a NumPy array with columns for witness ID, variation unit ID, reading index, and reading text and rows for all combinations of these values found in the collation. The to_dataframe method invokes to_numpy by default, but if the table_type argument is distance, nexus or long, then it will invoke to_distance_matrix, to_nexus_table or to_long_table, respectively. It returns a Pandas DataFrame augmented with row and column labels (or, in the case of a long table, just column labels).

From the command line, the standard reading-witness matrix or long table can be written to a specified CSV, TSV, or Excel (.xlsx) file. If you specify the output filename with its extension, teiphy will infer which format to use. If you want to write a distance matrix, a similarity matrix, a NEXUS-style table, or a long table to output instead of a reading-witness matrix, then you can do so by specifying the --table distance, --table similarity, --table nexus, or --table long command-line argument, respectively. If you are writing a reading-witness matrix to output, you can set the method’s split_missing argument using the --split-missing command-line flag. If you are writing a distance or similarity matrix to output, then you can set the method’s proportion and show_ext arguments using using the --proportion and --show-ext command-line flags, respectively. As with plain NEXUS outputs, if you are writing a NEXUS table to output, then you can set the method’s ambiguous_as_missing argument using the --ambiguous-as-missing command-line flag.

Other Options

If you wish to include status messages for the purposes of measuring performance or validating your collation, you can include the --verbose flag when you invoke any conversion command through the CLI.

To run this script with the example input in verbose mode with the settings described above enabled, enter teiphy directory and enter the command

teiphy -t reconstructed -t defective -t orthographic -t subreading -m lac -m overlap -s"*" -s T -s /1 -s /2 -s /3 --fill-correctors --verbose example\ubs_ephesians.xml ubs_ephesians.nxs

from the command line.